
Application to study for the enem - See how to get a good grade


you already have one application to study for the enem installed on your cell phone? Not yet? So you need to read the tips that we're going to share in this article and, after that, go to your app store and download one of them right now.

We all know that preparing to take the enem test will be a challenge for most of the 4 million people who are registered. If you are one of them, then be aware, as the information to be passed on here will be very useful.

Downloading an application to study for the enem will make you better prepared to answer the questions and organize your time during the test. This will certainly increase your chances of getting an excellent grade. Read until the end and learn more!

Source: Image from (Google)

Why is an application to study for enem important?

The main objective of the enem is to measure the level of quality of basic education in our country. In addition, in recent years it has become the main means of access to quality universities and educational institutions.

Being prepared for the test is essential for your future, after all, the result of your efforts will allow you to achieve your personal and professional goals through good academic performance.


For this reason, we believe that you should download an application to study for the enem, “thus increasing your potential” (studying more in less time) and “improving your performance” (getting a higher average).

How does the test work and what grades are required?

There are 2 days of testing and 180 multiple choice questions. There are 4 areas of knowledge (languages, codes and their technologies; human sciences and their technologies; natural sciences and their technologies; and mathematics and their technologies),

In addition to the questions, candidates write an essay, where they develop an argumentative essay, which must be created based on a possible problem situation. Anyone who has completed high school can participate

Among other advantages, an application to study for the enem can allow you to take the previous enem tests and especially if you plan the time you will spend writing and answering all 180 questions.


Why should you take the enem test?

Once you take the exam and get your grade, you'll be ready to reap the advantages and benefits that grade can provide. With an application to study for the enem, your chance to improve this grade is very high.

Sua nota poderá ser usada no acesso ao SiSU – Sistema de Seleção Unificada que é um dos principais meios para ingressar em uma instituição de ensino superior federal. Ela também te permitirá acessar o Programa Universidade para Todos (ProUni).

Your grade will also be accepted in Portuguese higher education institutions. Another advantage is that you can apply for funding from FIES (Student Financing Fund).

Discover now some apps for you to prepare for the test

Now you understand the real importance of having an app to study for the enem installed on your smartphone. He's everything you need to leverage your studies.


Become more productive, gain a more agile thinking and considerably improve your writing. These apps will guarantee you a better grade and a real prospect of joining a great educational institution.

All the apps shown below have been tested and approved by thousands of students over the last few years, ensuring better grades and a better future perspective. Meet them all and see which is the best in the end.

  1. Estuda.com ENEM and Vestibular: this app is available for Android and iPhone phones. It has 4 different study modalities (previous exams, simulations, questions and challenges). You can measure your performance in studies, thus measuring your performance in order to work within the allowed time of the test. It has a free version and a premium version with more features available.
  2. Redação Nota 1000: this app also has a version for iOS and Android smartphones. As its name suggests, its focus is on your writing preparation. With it, you can access the topics presented for writing in previous tests, essays that had the highest score in previous exams, detailed instructions to assemble your text within the required standards and some suggestions for topics that may be asked for in your test.
  3. SAE Questions: application available for iPhone and Android. It has hundreds of questions covering all categories that may fall into the test, specific filters by subject (classified by the year the test was applied) and statistics that show your performance during your studies. It can be accessed for free on your cell phone.

“ENEM Questions”: the best app to study for the enem

Available for iOS and Android, the “ENEM questions” is, in our opinion, the best application to study for the enem. It's free! Go to the Google Play Store or App Store and download the app right now!

It is very practical, with the subjects for study divided into categories. Access through it video lessons, summary of topics and mainly questions from previous tests.

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The app has ads that can be removed if you opt for a premium subscription. Ready! You are now ready to take the test. What do you think is the best app? Download it right now on your cell phone and success in the test!