
Digital Identity Card - See How to Download for Free


O RG – Registro Geral, tem uma versão de digital identity card where it brings together in a single copy several important documents of an individual, such as the CPF, voter registration, birth certificate and other personal information.

It can be installed on Android mobile devices from Google Play on iOS Smartphones from the App store. In addition, users do not pay any membership fee, nor to use the document that identifies them as a person throughout the Brazilian territory.

And as we are living in a time where applications are increasingly present in our lives, the digital identity card cannot be left out of the digital documents that are at our disposal. To learn how to download and use the RG application, continue reading this text in detail.

What is the Digital Identity Card?

For some years now, the internet has facilitated many services that are part of our daily lives. This is because applications are innovating every day, bringing solutions that would take a long time to solve physically. The digital identity card is one of the most important documents today, but why?

1 – Na carteira de identidade digital, estão registrados quase todos os documento de uma pessoa. Ou seja, ela pode ser usada como comprovante pessoal em vários momentos importantes como a compra de um bem por exemplo.


2 – A DNI – Documento Nacional de Identificação também conhecida como identidade digital possui um QR Code onde somente os proprietários conseguem gerar autenticações e consequentemente evitam fraudes e golpes na internet.

3 – Os usuários podem instalar a carteira de identidade digital que ela não vai substituir os documentos físicos, pelo menos por enquanto. Até que os estabelecimentos e lojas deixem de exigir a comprovação através de documentos físicos, eles ainda terão utilidades.

4 -But one thing is certain, the digital identity card is becoming more popular every day, because several services that are part of our daily lives can be carried out by presenting the digital document. The user can use it anywhere, just have the application on your cell phone.

Functions of the Digital Identity Card

To have the digital identity card on your mobile device, you need to download it from your phone's app store.


And after registering, create a personal password with 6 digits that will allow the user to access the application. All this service is done through a biometric reader.

When installing the application on your cell phone, the system will ask the user to go to a post closer to their address to collect data with the photo of the document.

Consequentemente será gerado um novo número de documento com 9 dígitos que é a DNI – Documento Nacional de Identificação.

Who Can Download the Digital Identity Card

All Brazilian citizens are able to have a digital identity card. As long as they already have the printed version and reside in a state where the DNI has already registered. Currently, the Digital Identity Card can be found in the following states:


An important detail is to check if the Digital Identity Card is already available in your state. If you already have it, first you need to go personally to the Electoral Justice of your city and request the digital version of the document. They will evaluate your printed documents and then release the automatic version of the DNI.

Benefits and Advantages of the Digital Identity Card

There are several advantages and benefits linked to the digital identity card. In the coming years we will see many people installing it and using it in their daily lives for several important services.

1 – é possível votar nas eleições usando a DNI – Documento Nacional de Identificação. Basta que o eleitor tenha em mãos o aparelho celular conectado ao aplicativo.

2 – Além de facilitar diversos serviços que fazem parte do seu dia a dia, a carteira de identidade digital proporciona aos usuários muita segurança e qualidade. Todas as informações dos usuários são mantidas em QR Code, e por isso somente eles pode acessa-la.

3 – E de acordo com os relatos dos criadores da carteira de identidade digital, é praticamente impossível que alguém consiga ter êxito em fraudes e golpes ao com o documento.

Therefore, if you are looking for an easier way to use your RG, don't waste any more time, through the tips and information that were given here in this text, you will be able to download and use your digital identity card.