
Apps to train English - Discover how to learn faster


when you use apps to train english on your cell phone, your language learning increases a lot and you get better opportunities in the job market.

If you are currently investing in an English course, you can train the language by talking to people from other parts of the world. This will make your investment be rewarded with agility when learning.

Some apps to train English can be downloaded for free on your smartphone and you can find them available for both Android and iOS (iPhone) phones. Keep reading and find out which is the best.

Source: Image from (Google)

Why should you learn and train your English?

It may be that you never had or had very little contact with the English language. If this has happened to you, you might be wondering why learning and downloading apps to practice English is so important.

There are several answers to this question and many positive aspects for those looking for a different life, based on greater and better opportunities, not only at work, but also in meeting new people and cultures.


Learning a language like English will bring you “empowerment”, making you able to open hundreds of doors that are currently closed. In addition, we highlight other good reasons. Check out:

  1. The English language, once learned, can be a lot of fun. It provides different experiences that will allow you to grow as a person and also, value the habits and way of life in cultures completely different from yours.
  2. It will allow you to relate more easily with a larger number of people, since 1 in 5 people in the world understand or speak this language. It's the main language in over 50 countries around the world, and when you download apps to practice English, you'll be ready to travel the world.
  3. With it you become smarter. Language learning will exercise your brain and thus you will be part of the statistics that show that bilingual people are considered smarter.
  4. You will be happier! Well, once you learn English and practice it, you'll be able to understand everything that happens in a movie without subtitles, in addition to being able to sing your favorite songs in English.
  5. You will be better paid, as it is already proven that great opportunities in multinational companies open up to those who are fluent in the English language.
  6. In case you decide to travel to another country, or perhaps do an exchange program, order food or buy a gift for someone you love. Knowing English can save you from embarrassing yourself or even getting lost at the airport or in an unfamiliar place.
  7. You can learn the English language in just a few minutes a day. Some studies show that it can be much more productive for a student to dedicate a few minutes with focus and concentration, using an app on their cell phone, than to spend hours locked inside a classroom. You still have the advantage of learning anytime and anywhere, saving time and money.

Why download apps to train English on your cell phone?

There are many reasons why you should download an application like this right now, as we've seen above. They can do a lot for you, whether you are a language beginner or an advanced learner.

All the applications to train English that we will point out below are “free” and can be downloaded from your app store, regardless of your cell phone model or the operating system it uses. Check out what they are.


It is one of the most popular applications for training English among users, as it has characteristics of a social network that allows people to approach each other by sending friend requests.


It allows, among other things, that its users post videos, photos and texts. Chat for conversations has a feature that allows you to translate messages. There is a function where the user can earn points and exchange them for airline tickets.


This app has an interesting proposal, allowing communication with native speakers through a question and answer system. Learning takes place in all areas, whether in translating words or phrases.

Answers can be provided by different users and who are also in different countries. This helps you understand expressions that may have different meanings in other locales.

Discover the best of the best apps to train English

In our opinion, the best app to train English is Hello Talk. Download it now and practice your English by sending photos, audio messages or even making calls.  


It has games and interactive classes, in addition to a very useful feature that allows translation, when a user has difficulties. It is possible for you to make corrections in sentences sent by other users. Did you like it? Download right now!

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We hope you enjoyed and took advantage of the tips of these apps to download on your smartphone. They can change the way you relate to the world around you! To the next!