
WhatsApp Business - Download the app and find out the details


O whatsapp business is a messenger app that is revolutionizing the online sales market as well as the business market. This is because it allows communication with customers and offers several benefits in terms of technology. 

If you still don't know this tool, no problem. Know that it was created especially for companies (hence its name), and reached the app market in 2018.

One of the benefits of whatsapp business is that business owners are able to separate their personal account from their corporate account. Thus, in addition to ensuring greater privacy, it also has access to more useful tools. Check the details below:

Image from (Google)

How does WhatsApp Business work? 

If one of your biggest questions is about how the whatsapp business it works, no problem, we'll explain it to you. This messaging app allows for a solid presence with customers. As? Through tools and wizards. 

Com ele, o usuário pode ter vários assistentes, incluindo a criação de chatbots que respondem automaticamente o envio de mensagens dos seus clientes. Assim,  o atendimento fica mais rápido e prático. 


In addition, the whatsapp business allows including company data such as location, for example, in the profile. Another important point is the automatic messages, which can be defined according to your preferences. 

Can you use both WhatsApp apps on the same device?

With regard to whatsapp business, this is one of the most recurrent questions. However, the truth is that it depends. Both apps work installed on the same device. However, its functionality depends on the registered number. 

In other words, both apps cannot work with the same phone number. In this way, the device needs to have an entry for two chips, so it can work with the personal account in one number and the business account in another. 

However, if you just want to migrate your current number to whatsapp business, is also possible. Thus, you can keep your contacts and also the history of conversations. To find out how, read the next topic. 


See the step-by-step on how to migrate to WhatsApp Business

If you want to migrate your personal number to whatsapp business, know that this is a very simple process. However, to make it even easier, we've separated a step-by-step guide for you below. Check out: 

After having carried out the above steps in your transfer to the whatsapp business, the app itself will back up your messages. Then just wait a few minutes for it to be done. 

However, it is important to note that the same does not happen with your files. Therefore, it is best to back up your Google Drive account before transferring apps. 

That is, to use the whatsapp business with your previous files, the user himself needs to make this security backup in a safe place. This way, you don't lose your files and are calm in case of errors or any other problem. 


Does the business application allow the use of a landline phone number?

If your company uses a landline phone, know that it also works in the whatsapp business. When using this type of number, even if your phone is not dual SIM, the two accounts can work on the same cell phone. 

To create the account with the landline number, the steps are the same as those described above. However, when requesting the verification code, remember to select the call option, not the SMS one. 

A more than important notice at the time of this registration is in relation to the name of your company. This is because after being registered, it can only be changed in the Android system. Therefore, please check the information carefully before confirming. 

Download WhatsApp Business and formalize your customer contact channel 

Now that you understand the main points about the whatsapp business, it's time to download it on your smartphone. If you like to follow content like this, be sure to check out our Apps

For to go down, first locate your app store which can be either the App Store on the IOS system or the Play Store on the Android system. Also check your connection to a fast Wi-Fi internet connection. 

With that, go to the search field and type the name of the app. Check the results information and then click on “Install” option. The process takes a few seconds, but as soon as the icon appears in your menu, it will be available for use.