
How to Stay Invisible on WhatsApp Even Online


Today we are going to talk about how to be invisible on whatsapp even online. Without a doubt, WhasApp is one of the most important digital platforms in all of human history, and it completely changes people's general way of communicating.

And since WhatsApp was created, it has brought many benefits to the population. With him, the market became much easier and open for negotiations, generating many opportunities for those who use his account.

But there are functions that still need to be explored by Whats APP users, such as being invisible even when online. Carefully read this text that we have prepared and see how to leave your application in these conditions.

Programs That Can Be Used To Stay Invisible On WhatsApp Even Online

There are some options to make your WhatsApp invisible even when you are online. Consequently your contacts will not know when you are online or offline.

Uma das opções buscar por alguns aplicativos no Play Store para aparelhos Androids e no App store para aparelhos  iOS Smartphones.


Such apps disconnect your internet connection when accessing your WhatsApp and reconnect when it is definitely closed.

That way, you can have access to all the sent messages without appearing to be online. Many people use this option when they find themselves with a lot of incoming messages on their app.

It is worth remembering that without an internet connection it is not possible to use this option, for it to work perfectly you need to be connected, either with your cell phone data on a mobile network, or in a place where there is a Wi-Fi signal.

Despite having the name of WhatsApp, the programs have no connection with the application. Therefore, it is necessary for users to make this change to be careful when installing it.


How to Be Invisible on WhatsApp Even Online Using Flychat

The Flychat app can be found at play store, and there is no cost to install the function to make WhatsApp invisible even online.

Its main feature is allowing users to reply to messages without necessarily having to open them. This is a way for the owner not to show that he is online at that moment, and not even when you are typing a message.

A instalação do aplicativo Flychat é muito fácil basta acessar sua loja de Apps, buscar pela opção ” Flychat” e solicitar sua instalação.

After that, the user creates a personal username and password and can use the application to make WhatsApp invisible even online. Once the application is installed you will be able to use it on your WhatsApp.


How to Use Unseen to Become Invisible on WhatsApp

Another option widely used by those who want to remain invisible on WhatsApp even online is the Unseen application. 

Unseen has a different functionality than Flychat, because it gives users the option to reply to messages on the platform itself without having to access WhasApp. Here's how to install it:

1 – Acesse sua loja de aplicativos e busque pela opção “Unseen”. Ao encontra-lo, solicite sua instalação em seu aparelho celular.

2 – Faça o download do aplicativo em seu smartphone. Nesta etapa, é preciso criar um login de usuário e uma senha pessoal de acesso.

3 – Para que o Unseen seja instalado de maneira correta, é preciso seguir detalhadamente as instruções do sistema do aplicativo.

4 – Depois de fazer sua instalação, o usuário verá as configurações em seu aparelho celular, e então ele deverá selecionar o Unseen para ter acesso aos serviços do App.

5 – Ao fazer estes procedimentos, o aplicativo deixará sua atividade no WhatsApp totalmente invisível. 

From there, whenever you receive a message from someone, Unseen will let you know. For you to respond, just click on the notifications that will be possible to view and reply to messages without other people seeing and knowing that you are online.

What Are the Advantages of Being Invisible On WhatsApp Even Online?

Without a doubt, the main advantage of being invisible on your WhatsApp is the privacy you have at your disposal. This is because you see the messages and choose the moment you want to reply to them.

But it also has other details, one of which is that for those who depend on WhatsApp to sell and negotiate during their working hours, it is necessary to organize and be increasingly attentive.

All these application options that we mention here have the main mission to facilitate your experience with the platform. That is why it is important that users analyze in advance how they are going to use them in their daily lives.