
App that makes photos move and sing - Discover the free app


Wombo AI is a App that makes photo move and singre each day that passes is being downloaded and used by those who wish to have fun and entertainment options on the internet.

The app is available for mobile devices on Google Play for Androids and iOS Smartphones in the App store. Its installation is free and can be done quickly, conveniently and safely.

Therefore, if you are looking for a totally modern application capable of providing a quality service when it comes to having fun, carefully read the tips that we are going to bring you about the Wombo AI App that makes your photo move and sing.

How Can Wombo AI App Maker Photo Move And Sing Be Used?

The use of the Wombo App that makes the photo move and sing is very simple. It is enough for the user to upload a photo that is in his gallery and then choose a song to put it on the photo that will then move and sing. And when the montage is ready, share it with your friends on social networks.

Through its artificial intelligence, Wombo AI is able to provide users with many song options where it is possible to compress the lines and phrases of artists in studios and thus the App system that makes photo move and sing covers a way of mapping the songs.


It is worth remembering that to use Wombo AI just to make the photo sing, it is necessary to adapt a song by artists, because the App cannot only capture the voice of a common user, it is programmed for songs recorded by artists.

The quality of the voices and music is not affected, quite the contrary, with the App that makes the photo move and sing it is possible to make a practically perfect montage with music tempo and rhythms well fitted with the face of the photo that moves.

How to Use Wombo AI to Move Your Mouth

In the same way as making a photo sing, in Wombo AI it is also possible to use it to make the mouth move in the photo. To do this, just follow the procedure shown below:

1 – Ao acessar seu aplicativo, clique em Let’s Go e consequentemente o aplicativo vai abrir uma câmera onde é preciso que o usuário posicione detalhadamente a foto onde vai fazer a boca se mexer.


2 – Depois disso, você pode tirar uma foto. Caso você não queira tirar uma nova foto, basta acessar sua galeria e escolher uma foto salva para agregar na posição exigida para a boca falar.

3 – Ao fazer os procedimentos citados acima de maneira correta, clique no botão verde da que fica ao lado da câmera onde a foto foi tirada. Para colocar uma música basta acessar a playlist do aplicativo que contém um acervo muito grande de opções de músicas que vão garantir uma boa diversão aos usuários.

4 – Para que o serviço seja feito de forma completa, basta clicar no botão verde novamente e salvar tudo que você fez no App que faz foto mexer e cantar. A palavras “Salvar” está escrita em inglês como “Save”.

5 – Logo após que o usuário terminar de fazer a montagem no App que faz foto mexer e cantar, ele já poderá acessar aplicativo e compartilhar com seus amigos nas redes sociais, a diversão está garantida.


The other photos edited in Wombo AI are made in the application's own collection.

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Is the App that Makes Foto Move and Sing Reliable?

For those who still have doubts, Wombo AI has never had any problems related to security and reliability. In addition, the application guarantees users a lot of convenience when using services related to its collection.

That is, you will be able to edit your photos, music and other services that are part of the application with just a few clicks.

However, as no product is perfect, the App that makes photos move and sing does receive some criticism about the consumption of the cell phone while its videos are published and watched.

Another detail is that ads are part of the platforms that currently provide streaming services, so you have to know how to deal with these small issues. But none of them with regard to the security that the application provides.

And for those who want to have a higher quality application on their cell phone, it is recommended that they use Google Play services, practically all internet users are already familiar with the platform's services.