
Dry Belly Soup - Learn how to make it


Those who take the belly dry soup has obtained excellent results, because it is about foods that help a lot in weight loss. That's why it is one of the most popular recipes currently in the media in general, the results that soup brings encourage people to include it in their diet.

And with the numerous options of apps and blogs that show high-quality recipes, it is much easier to improve your daily diet. As long as there is good discipline and re-education in the way of eating, dry belly soup becomes indispensable.

Therefore, if you are looking for a good recipe to help you lose weight and improve your quality of life and health, read this brief text that we have prepared. In addition to learning how to prepare your soup, you will also know where to find the best recipe options online, check out our tips:

1 – Choose the Ingredients of Dry Belly Soup in detail

This is actually the main step to make a good soup, the choice of ingredients must be careful and well done by those who will cook it. It is worth remembering that dry belly soup is a light food, and therefore its preparation method cannot escape these fundamental characteristics, such as;

Just by the list mentioned above, we can already see that the ingredients used in the preparation of the soup are really very healthy. In addition, they can be used at random, that is, it is not mandatory that the belly dry soup has all of them at once, that way you can change each time you make it.


2 – Know the Prohibited Ingredients in Your Dry Belly Soup

Another fundamental tip in the preparation of your soup, some ingredients deceive us, because we think we can use them without any problem. This is the case of some vegetables that we are used to consuming daily in our meals, such as:

Here we can see the importance of having access to relevant information about cooking, despite being a list of ingredients present in our lives, they are not recommended in the preparation of belly dry soup. We emphasize that those who want to eat the soup are thinking about losing weight.

If you want to make your soup a little heavier, it is recommended to add the apple for example. It will help with sustenance without causing any kind of negative effect. The belly dry soup is made from extremely light ingredients.

3 How to Prepare Your Dry Belly Soup

To help you prepare a great soup, here are some recipe tips that will help you a lot in your cooking. The preparation is done in two steps, let's check the first one then:


You can add ingredients that give more flavor to your soup, such as: garlic, aromatic herbs, mint and basil. In the preparation method, it is not allowed to use meat or vegetable broths and under no circumstances salt.

4 – How to Finish the Soup

After doing the first stage of preparing the dry belly soup, let's see how to finish the food that will help you in the fight to lose weight.

It is not recommended to grind the soup, because if you chew the vegetables you will have a better feeling of satiety, and consequently the sustenance will last longer, without making you hungry making you eat after hours and breaking your goal of losing weight.

What is the exact amount to feed with soup

Because it is an extremely light meal and very rich in fiber and healthy foods, you can consume as much or as little soup as you want. That is, there are no limits to your food. But it is worth remembering that the soup preparation routines will be longer.


Another important factor is that it's no use eating soup regularly with discipline if you don't follow a good diet and keep your physical shape up to date with exercises that will improve your quality of life. That is, dry belly soup does not work miracles alone, you need to help yourself to get good results.

Every 3 days you can prepare a new portion of the soup, and with different ingredients, that way you will always have a better variety of foods at your disposal without getting bored of just one way of preparation. We wish everyone great results when preparing and eating the soup. Success!