
Plant Trees - Download the Ecopass App


Plant trees! This is the recommendation that all ecology professionals give the population, so that the world continues to develop. And as the internet is increasingly present in our lives, it is important that you download the Ecopass App.

When we talk about the importance of planting trees, we cannot forget to show why this matter should be taken seriously. Even though there are currently several programs that encourage the planting of trees and better care for the environment, there is still room for much improvement in this matter.

Therefore, we recommend that you carefully read the tips that the Social Column site has prepared here in this text. And see how a good internet connection can help you with your daily tree planting schedule, check it out.

Plante Árvores – Porque é Importante Se Dedicar Neste Programa?

There are objectives that make the program to plant trees one of the most important in Brazil and consequently in the world. For example;

1 – Ao plantar árvores, nós ajudamos recuperar os trechos e e matas que foram destruídos por algumas atividades que cooperam para o desmatamento do país. Dessa forma, colaboramos bastante com o reflorestamento principalmente em áreas onde é preciso fazer uma maior preservação do meio ambiente.


2 – Plantando árvores maximizamos a biodiversidade nos locais onde aconteceram as restaurações da floresta e dos corredores que podem produzir substâncias fundamentais para a manutenção da vida como o H2o – água.

3 – As árvores consequentemente aumentam muito a capacidade hídrica das nascentes e rios. Além disso, elas colaboram muito para que as erosões do solo diminua e assim trazem o controle dos assoreamentos que existem nos rios.

4 – Outro fator importante para que se plante árvores, é o auxílio que os produtores rurais recebem nas áreas onde existem plantações. Os produtores conseguem a regularização de propriedades nos órgãos responsáveis por licenciar junto ao estado a averbação e registro de imóveis.

5– As pessoas físicas e jurídicas que colaboram com a plantação de árvores recebem o auxílio na criação de novos projetos voltados para as áreas de gases e e efeitos de estufas.


And the society that is situated where there is a good discipline in tree planting is also greatly benefited. Precisely because they attract more companies and investors to the municipality, generating more job opportunities.

Plant Trees – Download the Ecopass App

In order for the general population to have at their disposal an excellent option for using platforms on the internet and consequently being able to plant trees, there is an excellent application called Ecopass.

He helps many people in various matters related to the environment, for example, showing where a new tree should be planted and the correct amount. See how to download and use the Ecopass App

1 – Acesse sua loja de aplicativos em seu aparelho celular. O Ecopass está disponível no Google Play for Androids and iOS Smartphones in the App store.


2 – Ao encontrar o aplicativo Ecopass, solicite sua instalação. Depois disso, faça um download com logi e senha de acesso ao acervo da plataforma.

3 – O aplicativo Ecopass, vai trazer informações através de notificações diárias sobre os locais de sua cidade onde se deve plantar uma árvore., Além disso, ele também vai dizer quantas árvores foram plantadas diariamente e como o meio ambiente está sendo afetado positivamente.

What are the Qualities of the Ecopass App?

As it is an application whose main mission is to help preserve the environment, Ecopass has many virtues, it is totally suitable for combating global warming and preserving the environment.

As we all know, climate change is already happening and year after year we see warmer and warmer days. That's why even an app that encourages tree planting and environmental preservation could not contradict itself by promoting damage to nature.

The Ecopass gives users discounts on other product benefits linked to the tree planting program. In this way, it ends up encouraging the population in general to have a greater commitment to preserving the environment.

And for these benefits to take place, the Ecopas App has partnerships with several companies and bodies that serve the cities where the program is present on a daily basis.

It is of paramount importance that the Brazilian population in general understand the tree planting program. For this reason, in the coming years, what we will see is a great involvement in the issue of caring for the environment.

If you want to be more and more connected with the program, download the Ecopass App and plant a tree, in a few years we will have a much better environment.