
Voter Title App – How to have the digital title on your cell phone


Have you heard about voter registration app? With it it is even easier to access the voter title and see the information whenever you want. In this way, learn how to have the digital title on your cell phone. In this post we are going to give you all the tips and information about this platform that can make it easier to access the document, even more so on voting day.

In addition, with the advancement of technology, cell phones began to obtain functions beyond the basic ones, such as sending SMS and receiving phone calls, for which they were created. In this way, nowadays it is possible to use them to help carry out various activities and tasks of our routine, such as taking pictures, looking for addresses, paying bills and even owning the voter registration app.

With this tool you can access your title wherever and whenever you want. There are few moments when we leave the house without our cell phone in our pocket, right? So, download the app and have your title always with you, in the palm of your hands, whenever you need it. It doesn't matter the time or the place. Know more about voter registration app.

App Título de Eleitor
Voter Title App (Reproduction: disclosure)

Know more about voter registration app

O voter registration app is a tool that aims to offer the user another version of your title, the digital one. In this way, with the platform, it is possible to access the document quickly and conveniently whenever you want and ask questions about personal information in the Electoral Court. Also, the app has a new version, with it many new features have been inserted.

Therefore, although the user always has the electoral discharge and electoral crimes certificate at hand, he will also be able to access the data through passwords and consult possible electoral debts. As well as, if the citizen wishes, he can register as a volunteer poll worker. In short, the app aims to offer voters access to the title in a practical way, in addition to the registered information.


Some of the data that can be found are the electoral zone, the registration situation, in addition to the certificates. To enter the app, just enter the CPF. Soon, login became easier, since the citizen does not need to remember the voter registration number. Also, the app has accessibility for people with disabilities, such as color blindness or low vision.

Functions and advantages of installing the app

When installing the voter registration app, you will have access to several advantages and functions that the platform offers to users. This way, have in the palm of your hands a tool that will guarantee you access to your electoral data, among many others, with just a few taps on your cell phone. See below some advantages and functions of installing the voter registration app:

See below how to download the app.

How to download and start using the app

Did you like the advantages and functions that the voter registration app offer users? Learn how to download it quickly and easily. Also, become a user of a platform that has more than 10 million downloads on the Play Store and ranks 4th in the Utilities category on the App Store.


So go to play store Or the app store and download the e-Título app. This way, you have in the palm of your hands a great tool that you can use to register as a volunteer pollster, have access to your polling place, among many other services quickly and easily in the palm of your hands.

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