
How to search by image on Google

How to search by image on Google? Do you know this powerful tool? Undoubtedly, this tool is very useful, not only for professionals in the field of design, but for the common user, as you can search for specific images on Google, and the best thing is, in some cases, you can use the free way.

You have to be careful, because not all images found on Google can be used for free, given that some have rights blocked, that is, you can only use them if you pay for them. However, there is a large number of images that are free, and that you can use as you wish in your publications or in your professional creations.

That's why we're going to learn how to search by image on google, considering that it is a very easy task to do, but many users still do not know this powerful tool. We will cover everything in detail throughout this article. Stay with us and learn how to work with Google tools.

Como pesquisar por imagem no Google
Image: (Google) How to search by image on Google

How to search by image on Google

First, it is necessary to understand that the browser of the giant Google, "Google Chrome" is available for both desktops, notebooks, as well as for cell phones and tablets, that is, it is possible to use "Google Chrome" in the vast majority of devices that exist today. . Therefore, regardless of which device you are on, these rules will apply.

First, when you enter Google's search area, you can type the term you want to search for, however instead of moving on, after you finish typing the term you want to search for, just look a little below the location where you entered the search, and you will have other options such as news, images, video and so on.


Just then, you click on the "images" option, and Google will show you all the options found related to the term you typed. For example, if you put in the search; ”funny animals”, and clicking on images, Google will search all over the internet for images that contain funny animals.

How to search by image on Google – Specifics

Searching for images on Google can be completely random, but it is also possible to add other filters, so that you can search for more specific images. Because, if we just put the word "funny animals", for example, a series of animals of all sizes, shapes, in several places, that is, in a very generic way.

Now if we search, for example, "funny pitbull", Google will show in the first positions, images of dogs of the "pitbull" breed that are in funny moments. It is also possible in the “images” tab to place other filters such as; background, transparent, post date or image size.

To do this, just type the term you want to find an image, then click on image and then click on tools; when clicking on tools, a submenu will open with these other options for size, color, among other attributes that you may be looking for for your image.

Step by step google tools

  • First, you need to access the Google search area, regardless of whether you are using a cell phone, tablet, smart TV, or even a desktop or notebook.
  • Once that's done, just type the term you want to Google.
  • Afterwards, you can choose whether Google will show you images, photos, videos, news and a number of other options that the platform offers.



It is worth remembering that not every image, video, news or anything of the kind that we find on Google is available for us to use in any way we want, far from it, there are many images that are blocked by rights, in which the user will have to pay to use them. -there.

That's why, if you want to use free images, that is, that don't even have a copyright block, just type the text in Google, click on "images", after Google shows the images, click on the image you want. want, then right-click, and click "save as".

However, if a message appears preventing you from downloading the image, it is because it is a paid image, in order to use it you will have to go to the website of the person offering the image and buy it, there are cases that do not It's for sale, it just can't be used. It takes a lot of attention, because copyright infringement is a crime.

How to use downloaded images

If you want to use an image that you downloaded from Google, either for an advertising campaign or to create a digital banner, or even for a post on your social networks, and bearing in mind that it is a free image, and that it is free for creation, you can use software to create your posts.

You can make your creations from professional image editing software like; Photoshop, Corel Draw, Illustrator, among others, however, if you are not a design professional and want to create your publications with downloaded images more easily, just search for applications in their accredited stores.


For more information and tips about the internet and technology, visit our applications tab. Good luck!