
Pis FGTS - See the February calendar for payment


In this month of February, Caixa released the withdrawal of Pis FGTS for millions of Brazilian citizens. Therefore, both the birthday withdrawal, calamity and also the salary bonus can be withdrawn by the population. 

The calamity withdrawal was released to more than thirty cities that are currently in a state of emergency, such as Minas Gerais and Bahia. The anniversary withdrawal already has more than 18 million apts this year.

Both the withdrawal option from the Pis FGTS salary allowances such as birthday bonuses are some alternatives for families in which the money is not enough to cover the consumption of essential items such as, for example, food. 

Image from (Google)

Who can receive the Pis FGTS benefit?

The payment schedule published by the Pis FGTS of the month of February that we will show later is related to 2020. What does this mean? That he is for Brazilians who, somehow, fit the rules.

The first is that they have worked at least thirty days in 2020. In addition, they must have registered with Pis or Pasep within five years, with an average monthly salary of up to 2 minimum wages in 2020. 


Regarding the payment of the benefit Pis FGTS, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security declares that another 154 thousand people will be entitled to receive the delayed benefit, referring to the year 2019 that did not fall due to processing errors.

How does the Calamity Loot work?

At the beginning of the year, the Calamidade Saque of the Pis FGTS It was released. This alternative is available to workers who live in Minas Gerais and Bahia, both affected by the rains at the end of last year. 

Currently, more than 20 cities have already been contemplated with this benefit. It is worth mentioning that this modality is allowed in cases of natural disaster, such as storms, floods, floods, hail, among others. 

The Pis FGTS of Saque Calamidade can be withdrawn by workers with a positive balance in the Fund's accounts and also, who have not previously benefited for the same reason within a period of 1 year. The withdrawal amount is R$6,220.00 for each person. 


Pis FGTS anniversary withdrawal 

With availability until the 28th of February, the withdrawal of Pis FGTS of this month refers to the birthdays of the month. It is worth mentioning that the anticipation can be made by those workers with a positive balance in active or inactive accounts. 

Regarding the value, it is not fixed. That is, it varies according to the existing balance and also the rate allowed for the withdrawal, in addition, of course, to the added value of the installment that will be released from each one. 

For example, a person who has a balance of R$1,000.01 to R$5,000, with the rate of 30%, the additional portion will be one hundred and fifty. For those who have a balance of R$500.01 to R$ 1,000, with the rate of 40%, the additional installment is R$50.00. 

Check the Pis FGTS anniversary withdrawal calendar 

All those workers who opted for the birthday withdrawal from the Pis FGTS will have a limit of (60 days) 02 months to carry out this task. In other words, to withdraw their values. So, check out the announced dates below: 


It is noteworthy that in anticipation of the Pis FGTS birthday, up to 3 installments per year can be advanced. As such, it functions as a type of loan and therefore has an interest rate of 1.49%. The release is annual. 

However, as of this month of February, the Caixa Econômica bank intends to expand this service. That is, it will go from three withdrawals to five withdrawals, and also reduce the lowest value to obtain this type of service. 

Therefore, the value that is currently R$2,000.00, after the change, will significantly drop to R$500.00. This way, this measure of anticipation will be available to a much larger number of people.  

Download the app to check your benefit

Now that you are already aware of the main information of this month's Pis FGTS, it's time to know how to consult yours. If you want access to more content like this, be sure to visit our page Apps!

You can to go down the Digital Job Card app. To do this, access your application store, which can be the App Store or the Play Store. In the search field, type the name of the app and search. Evaluate the results and then click “Install”. 

The process takes a few seconds depending on your internet speed. But, when the option changes to “Open”, you can already access it. Other ways to consult is to contact Caixa Cidadão by calling Alô Trabalho (158) or 0800 726 0207.