


As the end of this year approaches, Brazilians are already starting to plan for the IPVA 2022. And also, for other bills that usually arrive at the beginning of the year. The IPVA is nothing more than the Tax on the Ownership of Motor Vehicles. 

This tax is levied on both new and semi-new cars. And the calculation of its value is based on the price of the vehicle, plus Detran fees. That is, because the more expensive and new it is, the higher the cost of your IPVA will undoubtedly be. 

Detran (State Department of Transit) fees for IPVA 2022 can vary between 1% and 4% in relation to the cost of the car. However, not all vehicles also fit this charge, and therefore manage to be exempt. To understand a little better, follow our article:

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Understand how the calculation of the IPVA 2022 charge is made

Before explaining how the calculation of the IPVA 2022 is done, it is important to understand that it is the responsibility of each of the states. However, commonly for used vehicles, the assigned calculation basis involves the average list price at the end of the previous charge. 

In this way, the values follow research as well as in specialized publications, and later, in the agency network itself. In general, the Fipe Table query is done in this step. 


In the case of vehicles that are new, the calculation of IPVA 2022 takes into account the value assigned to the vehicle on your invoice. With old imported cars, the calculation involves the price shown on the document plus taxes and charges that were not collected. 

What is the destination of the amount paid in IPVA 2022?

Many people pay the IPVA 2022 and they don't know exactly where this money is destined. Therefore, the tax amount is divided into 50% for the State and the other 50% for the Municipality where the vehicle owner lives. 

Despite being collected by vehicles, the amounts are intended for different areas of essential services for the population, such as, for example, health, education, transport, security, infrastructure, security, among others. 

That is, to pay the IPVA 2022 contributes to investment on a State and Municipal scale, helping to improve the general quality of life of the population to which the taxpayer belongs. 


Learn how the IPVA 2022 exemption works in cases of specific diseases

Some diseases also guarantee the vehicle owner exemption from IPVA 2022. However, it is a car adapted according to the needs of the person. In addition, he also needs to account for authorized drivers. 

Some of the diseases that guarantee gratuity are: Amputations, arthrodesis, rheumatoid arthritis, some types of cancer, autism, stroke, stroke, degenerative diseases, shortening of a member or malformation of the same, and neurological diseases. 

Others that are also included in the exemption from IPVA 2022 are: Multiple sclerosis, severe scoliosis, RSI, lymphomas, rotator cuff, cerebral palsy, paraplegia, Parkinson's, poliomyelitis, spinal problems, internal and external prostheses, among others. 

See how the IPVA 2022 Exemption works by year of vehicle manufacture  

According to the State Traffic Department itself, the IPVA 2022 is exempt for those vehicles that are ten or twenty years old. However, the exemption follows different determinations in each Brazilian state. 


Learn how to consult your IPVA 2022

Your query IPVA 2022 can be done quickly and easily over the internet. To do this, just access the Detran website for your state with some information at hand, such as RENAVAM. For more content like this, visit our page News!

When accessing the site from the Detran, click on the “Vehicles” tab and then on “Annual Licensing”. In this step, enter your personal data for a registration.

In the case of vehicles from São Paulo, this process is done through the portal, and after paying the licensing fee in the banking system, the person will have a printout of the CRLV-e available on the portal itself or on the application “CDT-Carteira Digital de Traffic".