
Free Draw App - See how to draw names and numbers on your cell phone


Did you know that nowadays it is possible to use a free sweepstakes app? Through the raffle applications, it is possible to carry out different types of raffle, whether of numbers, teams, or even heads and tails. There are applications that even simulate the famous lucky roulette wheel, which can be fully customized by the user.

If you need an app to do sweepstakes, let's talk in this article about the main ones that are currently dominating the market, because being able to do sweepstakes through an application is really something extraordinary for companies that intend to retain customers through promotions and sweepstakes.

Through a free sweepstakes app, you can make media actions directly to your target audience, in order to attract attention to your brand, in addition to being able to retain customers. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to download official applications, which are well evaluated and already well known to the general public.

App de Sorteio Gratuito
Image: (Google) Free Draw App

App de sorteio gratuito – Principais características

First, it is necessary to remember that most of the draw apps are available for iPhone and Android, through them you can form your teams, or even assist in a bingo, and who knows, maybe even spin the roulette wheel. It is worth noting that, in the case of prizes, the promotion must be duly registered with Caixa Econômica Federal.

Uma vez que você registre na Caixa Econômica Federal, será preciso pagar uma taxa chamada ”taxa de fiscalização”. Vamos mostrar um passo a passo logo a seguir, para você fazer um sorteio de sucesso, pois é preciso fazer tudo de acordo com a lei e em conformidade com as mídias sociais.


With the explosion of social media, many companies, even small and medium-sized companies, have been using the raffle feature to retain customers and also to expand their brand, given that raffles tend to attract the attention of the general public.

Step by step to use a free sweepstakes app

Uma das primeiras opções e uma das mais relevantes, é o aplicativo ”Sorteio fácil”, através dele, você pode fazer sorteios com nomes, números, e até mesmo com equipes, ele possui uma interface muito rápida, e muito simples, é bem fácil de realizar tudo por lá.

You can choose how many numbers will be drawn, that way, just indicate the final digit and the initial digit. If you want to do a raffle through a list of names, just make your list. Therefore, you only need to add the names of the users who will be part of the raffle.

The application also provides a lot of totally virtual data, it is worth remembering that it is also possible for you to randomize. This feature is very important for people who want to participate in games like chess or checkers, for example, but don't have the dice at hand.


Top category apps

Number and name raffle: widely used to create raffles, with it, it is possible to choose the digits at random to be raffled, it is also possible to carry out the raffle through names, simply inserting the names in your final list. It also has an interesting tool, you can use your microphone to add the name of the participants instead of typing.

This application is only available for the Android platform, through which it is possible to form teams to take part in the draws. The user who is creating a draw can add several players, through numbers or through the names of people.

Um outro aplicativo bem interessante é o ”Sorte roda sorteio”, que conta com uma roleta muito intuitiva, onde pode-se colocar até 999 opções. O usuário pode personalizar totalmente a roleta, além de personalizar as etiquetas de cada espaço. É possível também customizar os nomes e os números, além de outras características.

Advantages of sweepstakes

How to Download a Sweepstakes App

Caso você queira criar sorteios fantásticos através das aplicações citadas nesse artigo, basta você entrar na sua loja de aplicativos, e fazer a busca pelo termo; ”aplicativos de sorteio” logo em seguida aparecerão as primeiras opções, ou seja, as mais qualificadas e mais baixadas pelos usuários.


It is worth remembering that the number of application options for this purpose, whether for Android or for iPhones, is quite large, however, it is necessary to choose the best evaluated and most downloaded applications, so as not to download any malicious applications, that could damage your system.

For more information about cool apps, visit our apps category. Good luck!