
Application to Learn Playing the Keyboard - How to download the application


O app to learn to play keyboard It is an excellent option for anyone who wants to develop technically on the instrument. In addition, they are free of charge and can be easily downloaded and used on Android and iOS Smartphones.

As we already know, the internet offers several options that help us with things that are part of our daily lives. And in the area of music there are applications that have guaranteed many positive results, in addition to the advantages of using them very easily anywhere.

Therefore, if you want to learn to play the keyboard, continue reading this text prepared by the Social Column website. Here you will see in detail all the notes and chords that can make you become a good keyboardist. And depending on your dedication, the results come quickly, check it out.

What is the Best App to Learn to Play Keyboard?

Even though it is practically impossible to say that a certain application is the best of the options. But some of them are standing out, precisely because they offer a lot of quality in their notes and music collections. Therefore, we will show them in this list below:

Remember that all these options are free, and you won't have to spend to maintain the application to learn to play the keyboard.


How to Learn to Play Keyboard Using an App

The application to learn to play the keyboard has as its main mission to give students an understanding of the instrument. Of course, if you want to perform more professionally, you'll need to go to school, but with the App you can start a beautiful career as a musician. See a very easy step by step:

1 – Acesse sua loja de aplicativos em seu aparelho celular. O aplicativo para aprender teclado está disponível para Androids no Google Play e para iOS Smartphones no App store.

2 – Ao encontrar o aplicativo, solicite sua instalação. Nesta etapa é preciso fazer um download com senha e usuário para sempre ter acesso ao acervo da App.

3 – Com o aplicativo instalado, é preciso escolher uma música. Para fazer a escolha, clique em ” Jogar”. Depois disso, toque nas telas lilás que correspondem o aplicativo do teclado.


4 – Toque no ícone do canto direito da tela para gravar os sons das músicas que você deseja aprender. Ele é um pequeno microfone por isso é preciso também tocar em REC para começar os registros.

5 – Quando você terminar de gravar a música, toque novamente no microfone e salve a música numa pasta. Para que você possa identifica-la é preciso dar um nome a ela.

How to Learn the Sounds of Songs in the App to Learn to Play Keyboard?

Another important step in online keyboard learning is knowing how to use your ear. By the way, before technology, good musicians always used their ears to identify the notes of a song, and also to tune string instruments. To record the notes of a song using your ears, you need to do the following:

1 – Escolha o botão com ícone de nota. Ele fica no canto direito da tela, pode ser encontrado facilmente.


2 – Ao acessar o botão de música, opte pela nota que deseja no aplicativo para aprender tocar teclado.

3 – Ao escolher a nota que deseja aprender, acompanhe detalhadamente a mudança de posições nas teclas lilás do aplicativo de teclado. Dessa forma, ele vai mostrar perfeitamente como são as posições da nota que você quer. Por isso, tenha um teclado ao seu lado para já fazer as posições de maneira correta.

And with these tips you will be able to use the app to learn to play the keyboard in a relevant way. Depending on your dedication, you'll be able to learn the notes in a short time and develop to the rhythm of the songs that have already been saved in your folder.

Is it Worth Learning to Play Keyboard Online?

For those who are starting to learn the instrument, it is really worth it. And the reasons are many, for example: You'll be able to assemble your folder with the repertoire of the songs you want to learn, the application's collection is very large and has options for all musical rhythms.

Over time, you will develop a technique that requires more professional learning. At this stage, it is necessary to find a school with good musicians and that is able to bring more adequate training for their development in the instrument.

So, while you don't feel prepared to enroll in a music school, the application to learn to play the keyboard is essential for your development, it can be used anywhere, all you need is a cell phone connected to the internet and you will be able to learn Good luck!