
What The Font – See how to discover fonts online on PC

How about finding out which font is being used in a text through the platform what the font? That's right, through this fabulous tool, you'll be able to find out exactly which font is being used in a text! Many times, we find wonderful fonts, and we don't even have the notion of how to find an equal or even similar font.

Especially for professional designers, this tool is of paramount importance, as it ends up optimizing the time of those who are creating art with texts, however, nowadays, even non-professional designs can use these tools, considering that many designers are creating directly from mobile.

Through what the font, you will be able to identify the fonts you like the most, as well as its name, as well as its extensions and branches, bearing in mind that the same font can have different widths or even thicknesses. Stick with us in this article and we will understand everything in detail.

What The Font
Image: (Google) What The Font

What-the-Font Tools

Through this fantastic tool, it is possible to recognize fonts that are present in some texts, or even images in png format, or even in JPG, thus showing you which family this font belongs to, as well as which fonts are similar to them, which can be downloaded for free, or even purchased.

There are today on the internet, a wide range of sites that offer free fonts to download and install, and the vast majority of designs from around the world, end up accessing their databases to obtain interesting fonts for their creations, it really is a dish full!


However, there are platforms that are fully specialized in selling creative and different fonts, these fonts are usually more difficult to find, given that they are rare fonts, however, the tool allows you to search for a font closer to the one you are looking for. you can see, so that you can also download it.

What the Font – Discovering fonts

  • First, you need to open the official website ”what the font”.
  • Next, you need to upload the image for which you want to identify the source.
  • Soon after, the platform automatically identifies all the sources that are in the image, just click on the blue arrow.
  • Automatically, the tool will show all the identified accounts, and also the fonts that may be similar, to continue, just click on “Get it” to download or buy the font.

How to make digital arts

Undoubtedly, this tool is a very interesting tool to create our arts quickly and professionally, however, in addition to the text, it is necessary to have some training or experience in the design area, to create a banner, post, or even any other another form of digital ate.

In this case, the user has two options: you can take a professional design course and use tools such as Photoshop, CorelDRAW, Illustrator, among others, thus specializing in this market, or you can look for other alternatives, if you just want to make your own arts.

For users who just want to promote their own brand, or make their own banners on a daily basis, there is a wide range of applications that offer these features, just look carefully in your application store and you will surely find fantastic applications, light and very easy to use. 

The power of visual


For you to have a good engagement in your publications, that is, to have many interactions, and really draw attention to your brand, that is, to your service or to your concept, the visual is what is most taken into account, because it will be the starting point for people to read your text, considering that people first visualize the image.

This is exactly why it is necessary to create interesting and well-thought-out arts, which can be done by a professional through software, or by applications that are very light and intuitive and that deliver these tasks in a very interesting way, if you want to making it just for yourself pays to use an app.

However, if you intend to be a professional in the area of design and digital products, it really is worth taking a course in one of the programs mentioned in the article, be it Illustrator, Corel Draw or Photoshop, considering that they deliver more professional results to your customers, that way you can retain more people.

How to download designer app

In case you want to make your own posts through applications, just do a good search in your application store, it is worth remembering that the application store for cell phones with Android system is the Play Store, and for the famous iPhones, the store accredited app store is the Apple Store.

There, you can type the word "designer" in the search, so the virtual store will show you the first options and the best evaluated ones to carry out this task. It is worth remembering that it is good to give preference to applications that are already well tested, downloaded, and well evaluated.


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