
Love Tarot – Download the free app and check the cards

O love tarot it is a way in which people seek answers to some questions and situations through letters. Therefore, it is mainly used to evaluate people's love relationships. 

Therefore, regardless of the type of deck used, each of the cards has a different meaning. That is, their interpretation will depend on all the other cards that accompany them and their corresponding meanings. 

In this content, we selected some information about the love tarot and the main decks of cards used for these readings. So, if you want to know more about it, keep following the details about them below: 

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Are there different types of love tarot?

when we talk about love tarot, we are not specifically referring to a card game that is used only for that. That is, it is about the type of reading that the cards will have regardless of which deck the oracle uses at the time. 

A tarot reading provides a kind of journey into your inner self, which makes you think about where you are going in your life. That is, which paths she is taking and with whom and how she is relating. 


Therefore, consultations are made to know some points and bring reflection on the past, the present and also the future. In this way, the person better understands the types of attitudes he should have and those he should avoid in relation to certain events.

Learn a little more about the Tarot de Marseille, which is used in several readings 

One of the most used charts for the love tarot among other purposes is the Tarot de Marseille. This one has a French origin, and gained fame not only in Brazil but in Portugal as well. 

The deck consists of a total of 78 cards, which contain simple but striking images. The Tarot de Marseille helps to understand issues of the unconscious, as its reading is based on spirituality. 

In this way, when using a Tarot de Marseille, the oracle indicates it for reflection on any type of conflict or subject that needs a little more attention. That's because, he's perfect for letting what's hidden show up. 

See more about the Egyptian Tarot and Tarot of the Angels 


if for your love tarot If you need more precise answers to something in a short time, the Egyptian Tarot can be one of the best recommendations. It consists of a total of 56 cards, which provides answers to more objective questions. 

However, know that while reading the Egyptian Tarot, you are guided to find your answers within yourself. In the Tarot of Angels, we have a total of 72 cards, and the instructions lead the consultant down a more constructive path. 

Therefore, this deck serves to connect your energies and give more concrete answers to what you want, but without leaving the spiritual side aside. That way, he's perfect for teaching how to deal with relationships. 

Understand about Quantum Tarot or Therapeutic Tarot 

Another option for reading your love tarot it is the Quantum Tarot that, sometimes, also takes the name of Therapeutic Tarot. These cards are perfect for those who want to evolve in their self-knowledge. 

That is, he is great for understanding inner conflicts, being similar to therapy. Hence, your name. Therefore, know that it is based on 3 principles: First, that you are responsible for what happens in your life. 


Second, that obstacles are like an aid mechanism and third, that you have the potential to overcome them all. This game will help you with love, personal, professional or social problems. 

Download the “My Tarot” app and read your Tarot of love with different types of cards

After knowing a little more about the main card games, it is important to understand some features that you can find in the application “My Tarot – The Best Free Tarot App”. Check out:

  • Drawing with 3 cards: past, present, future;
  • Drawing with 5 cards: past, present, future, what is hidden, and the solution;
  • Complete consultation with 7 cards: past, present, near future, answer, energies, hopes, fears, and final result;
  • Meaning of the 36 cards in the deck and their representativeness;
  • Meaning of each card in love, health, work and finance;
  • Option to save your print runs made;
  • Drawing of the letter of the day;
  • Yes or no drawing;

In addition to the decks for the love tarot that we mentioned here, there are still others such as, for example, the Rider Waite Tarot, the Mythological Tarot and the Crowley Tarot. If you like tips on apps like this, visit our Apps!

to do the download, enter your App store. Depending on your cell phone's operating system, it will be the App Store or the Google Play Store. Then go to the search field and type “My Tarot – The Best Free Tarot App” without the quotes. 

Check the result information and then click the green “Install” button. The process takes a few minutes, and when it's done, an app icon will appear in your menu. So just log in, pick your deck, think of a question, and play your cards.