
Auxílio Brasil social program - Payment calendar and more


O social program Aid Brazil from the federal government is directed exclusively to people in poverty and extreme poverty. Especially if they have a pregnant woman or under 21 years old. 

Therefore, it was created to replace the former Bolsa Família. According to the Ministry of Citizenship itself, which is responsible for the benefit, this program integrates, in one place, several public policies of social assistance. 

With that in mind, we created this article about the social program do Auxílio Brasil to answer all your questions about how it works, payment schedule, who is entitled, among others. Check the topics below: 

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Find out how the Auxílio Brasil social program works 

In a simplified way, the social program do Auxílio Brasil works in a very similar way to the old Bolsa Familia. In other words, people from the Cadastro Único, within the rules of the program, receive their monthly amount. 

The amount received can be used in the account with the same card as the previous benefit, without the need to update the password or register. In it, you will find the NIS number, which is very important. 


The government's main objective in changing this social program is to promote emancipation. That is, as the person's income increases and exceeds the ceiling, it is suspended. If it happens, the beneficiary still remains for 2 years with the aid. 

Who is entitled to receive the Brazil Aid?

As stated earlier, the social program do Auxílio Brasil is intended for people in extreme poverty, with a monthly family income of up to R$100.00 per person or in a situation of poverty, with a monthly family income between R$100.01 and R$200.00. 

The benefit meets 9 different modalities. However, 3 form the main basis: the Early Childhood Benefit, the Family Composition Benefit and the Benefit for Overcoming Extreme Poverty. 

The first includes families with children aged between 0 and 36 months. The second, includes young people aged 18 to 21, to encourage them to stay in their studies. And finally, the third is if the family, even with the aid, does not overcome the situation of extreme poverty. 


What are the differences between the social program Auxílio Brasil and Bolsa Família?

The main difference between the old social program and the new thing is that the Auxílio Brasil will reach a larger number of families, in addition to a higher value. This is because, in addition to those already registered, those on the waiting list will be added little by little. 

Thus, the number of families served should reach 18 million. Regarding the received value, it is approximately 18% higher than the previous program. That is, it reaches R$400.00 per month. 

Other than that, the only other differentiating factor is emancipation. However, the government sees this as a positive way, making the program work in the right way for those who really need it. 

Check the payment schedule for the month of February 

Regarding the payment of social program do Auxílio Brasil, it will follow the same rules as the previous one. In other words, it is the final NIS or card number that will determine the dates. Look: 


Therefore, payments from social program of the Auxílio Brasil will follow these payment dates, which take into account the last numbers of the identification sequence by the NIS (Social Identification Number). 

The Ministry of Citizenship also informs that, in order to be able to receive payments, families need, in addition to complying with the rules of the program, to have their data from the Cadastro Único (CadÚnico) updated in the last 24 months. 

Another point is that the updating of this information cannot be different from that of other federal government databases. So here's the tip to check all this information before your payment date. 

Find out how to register for Help Brazil 

Who was already registered in social program Bolsa Família does not need to make a new registration, as the migration was automatic. However, new families need to register with CadÚnico. For more information like this, visit our page News!

To register, however, it is necessary to go to a service center closer to your city in person. You must be over 16 years old and have your CPF or voter registration card. For more details of documentation and location of stations, access the website. 

It is also worth remembering that whoever registers and is responsible must present at least 1 document from other family members. This can be the CPF, RG, Work Card, Certificate (marriage or birth) or Voter Title.