
What to do to become a millionaire – See some tips to get rich


Here's an interesting question: what to do to become a millionaire? Have you asked yourself this question before? Maybe you made it with other words, like: what to do to get rich? Did you know that this is one of the most asked questions around the world?

The reasons are pretty obvious, after all, who among us doesn't want to get rich or become a millionaire? Having the life you've always wanted and especially being able to buy everything you've always dreamed of without worrying about expenses or bills?

Part of the answer to the question “what to do to become a millionaire” may lie within you. That's right! Getting rich doesn't just depend on external factors, as you're about to see now. Keep reading until the end and learn more.

Source: Image from (Google)

How many millionaires are there in Brazil?

It is not news to anyone that money is concentrated in the hands of a few people. And this happens not only in Brazil, but also in the world. Do you know how many people are in these privileged conditions?

According to a report released in Paris at the beginning of July/2021, Brazil had a drop in the number of millionaires. This factor is especially due to the pandemic. The number dropped from 198.8 thousand Brazilians to 185.6 thousand Brazilians


However, even with the drop in the number of people, the concentration of resources increased from 4.766 billion dollars to 4.779 billion dollars. Looking at this scenario, the question persists: “what to do to become a millionaire”?

It all starts within you! I knew that?

Professor Ivan Maia is a living example of this. Businessman and financial mentor, he has multiplied his fortune in recent years, and today he is dedicated, among other things, to teaching ordinary people like you and me how to get rich. Research him!

According to Ivan Maia, change starts “from the inside out”. It will take effort, dedication, abandoning wrong beliefs, setting goals and goals and an “unshakable” will. Oh, and obviously, a good mentor to get rich.

What to do to become a millionaire? One of his favorite phrases is: “Nothing comes from nothing!” And what does it mean? In short, that you will have to make an effort (and a lot) to get rich. Basically, you will transform yourself into a better person!


What to do to become a millionaire: 4 steps that will lead you to change your life

Millionaire Ivan Maia puts a lot of emphasis on the concept that “anyone” can get rich if he has 4 things. That's right, 4 things are needed for you to walk (or run, who knows) towards prosperity and wealth.

You must be asking: is it that easy? But "who said it's easy?" Professor Ivan guarantees that “it is simple, but it is not easy”. That's why few are the ones who succeed. And you? Want to know what these 4 things are?

  1. The first thing that can turn you into a millionaire is “to want it deeply, that is, you must aim with your heart”. Your desire to get rich, to become a millionaire, must be unshakable.
  2. The second thing that will lead you to wealth is “having the right tools” for it. In the words of Ivan Maia: “nobody unscrews a screw using a pen”. Certain tools are necessary, and even if you don't have them now, it's perfectly possible to acquire them.
  3. The third essential thing to become financially prosperous is “having a mentor” to teach you how to feed and keep your will unshakable and, above all, teach you how to effectively, efficiently and effectively use the right tools that you already have or that you will purchase.
  4. The fourth and last thing (and perhaps the most challenging one) is “knowing how to wait the necessary time to achieve what you want”. No one throws seeds in the ground and reaps immediately. Some things (especially the most valuable ones) take time and wealth is no different!

Now you know what to do to become a millionaire, but we also suggest that you use technology to your advantage, seeking to learn more on the internet (visit www.ivanmaia.com) and on Instagram (@ivanmaiaoficial). At the end of this article, we will give you one more way.

You must start acting now.

Why wait to do something later that could change your life (for the better) forever? Studying is one of the first things you can do to know “what” and “how” to do in the first place. Above are two sources from which to draw knowledge.


Both on the website and on Instagram, you will have access to a lot of free content that will give you information on what to do to become a millionaire. Start now! You are in a chess game with life. And now it's your turn to play!

Also, use your cell phone for something more productive than simply texting, checking the time, or talking to other people. Go to your app store and download some apps that will allow you to get rich. Check out the best tips below.

Some apps that show you what to do to become a millionaire

Download the You Tube app and search for the channel “Ivan Maia Training”. This is the best tip we can give you to find out what to do to become a millionaire. Remember: “nothing comes from nothing”. Study hard, it's so worth it! Access now!

As a second best tip, download the following financial education apps: “Organizze”, “GuiaBolso”, “My Economy”, “Mobills Financial Control” and “My Money”. All of them available for Android and iOS. Learn more about it!

Visit our website and check out our tips for News

Ready! Now that you understand that getting rich or becoming a millionaire is perfectly possible, dedicate yourself, feed your will and study a lot. Start making changes in your life right now. Take action and get rich. Good luck!