
Minha Casa Minha Vida – How to get it for free


Do you want to participate in the Government program My home, my life, but don't know how? Then you're in the right place! In this post, we will give you all the tips and information so that you can access the program for free, and achieve the dream of your own home. To find out everything you need about the My home, my life continue with us.

What is the My home, my life? It is a Federal Government program that aims to offer families good conditions to carry out the financing of houses and apartments. The maximum gross household income to access the program is R$7,000.00 per month per family. The Government carries out this program in partnership with governors and mayors.

In addition, it also counts on the help of non-profit companies and entities. With the integration of these forces, the lives of families that participate and participated in the program have changed and continue to change for thousands of other Brazilian families. It's a great chance for families in need to get their own home.

In addition, it is an opportunity to increase the development of the country. As of August 26, 2020, the Casa Verde Amarela Program became effective, and financing operations have been made using FGTS resources, in accordance with Law No. 14,118/2021. .

Minha Casa Minha Vida
My Home My Life (Google Image)

Advantages of My home, my life

The Program is a great opportunity to change the housing life of several Brazilian families, in addition to promoting the country's development. In this way, it offers interested parties, people who need help to get their own house, several advantages to make financing proposals more attractive. See below some benefits of the Program My home, my life:


With these advantages the My home, my life aims to promote a comfortable and attractive situation so that participants can make the best choice, stop renting for good, own their dream home, and have a good quality of life and housing in good housing conditions.

How to hire the My home, my life?

Liked the advantages that the program My home, my life offer users? Find out how to hire him! However, first see if you are part of the group of people who can participate. It is separated from the household gross monthly income range. The program includes families that receive up to R$7,000.00 per month. See below how to hire My home, my life.

Payment conditions

For each group, different ways of opening the process are offered, in addition to different payment conditions. The program tracks the value of the family's gross monthly income. In this way, the family that receives less than R$1,800.00 monthly gross, may have access to financing payment conditions with installments between R$80.00 to R$270.00 monthly.

However, for families that receive a gross amount of up to R$7,000.00 per month, they are now part of the Casa Verde Amarela Program. Operations are carried out using FGTS resources. It is a good opportunity to get your own house, as families will be able to have access to differentiated financing conditions. Go to box platform to find out more information.


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