
Meet the app that changes the face


We all know that new applications appear every day, so we have prepared this article for you to obtain information that will help you understand the functions of Faceapp, an application that was developed entirely in Russia in 2017, but only started to working from 2018.

Its promotion was very strong, so much so that several countries around the world came to know Faceapp with millions of users having fun with its photo options. However, until today, Faceapp has generated many doubts about its functions.

Also, users who want to install this application need to know in detail about the level of trust it has. So much so that the application's programmers have drawn up a term of use and do not recommend its installation if anyone has doubts about the application's origin and reliability.

The Faceapp application works with a filter that changes the image of a person's photo, leaving it with an older appearance. In addition, it also shows what the person in the opposite sex would look like. And users who want to know how they would look older or the opposite sex, just have a photo for the Faceapp filter to carry out the changes procedure.

If you like the Faceapp application and are interested in installing it on your cell phone, we recommend reading this text prepared by the Social Coluna website. Here we will show you how to download and how to use the application having fun with the various entertainment options, check it out.


How to Install the Faceapp Application

As it is a digital tool with full functionality on mobile devices, the installation of Faceapp is done entirely through the cell phone. This is also the way it is used, Faceapp is almost exclusive to users with accesses that come from their cell phones. Here's how to install it:

1 – Com seu celular em mãos, acesse sua loja virtual de aplicativos. O Faceapp está disponível para Androids e iOS Smartphones.

2 – Pesquise nas buscas por Faceapp. Ao encontra-lo, solicite sua instalação.

3 – Antes de concluir sua instalação, leia atentamente a política de privacidade e todos os termos de uso que fazem parte do aplicativo.


4 – Agora, na tela principal, você deverá clicar na câmera e clicar na opção “permitir”, pois isso fará com que o aplicativo possa acessar a câmera do seu aparelho celular.

With this procedure it will be possible to install the Faceapp application. The way of using must also be well understood by users.

How to Use the Faceapp App

Faceapp is used as follows:

1 – Quando alguém tira uma foto, é preciso solicitar que o aplicativo faça um filtro. Antes de ser publicada, a foto precisa ser “aprovada” pelo usuário, caso ele esteja de acordo, basta clicar em “Prosseguir”  e solicite o processamento. A publicação da foto fica a critério do usuário.


2 – O Faceapp também disponibiliza aos usuários que tiraram uma foto todos os filtros que fazem parte do processamento. Portanto, antes de solicitar a filtragem ou até mesmo a divulgação da foto, é importante conferir detalhadamente as opções que o aplicativo fornece.

3 – Para fazer um bom uso do aplicativo Faceapp, é necessário que os usuários concedam todas as permissões que fazem parte do programa. Dessa forma, o aplicativo vai entregar as melhores opções de filtros e os usuários vão ter a opção de escolher as melhores.

The Faceapp application has, above all, all the security that a digital tool needs. However, those who wish to install it and use it on a daily basis must know in detail the best way to proceed with it. So, if you understand Faceapp, it can be a great entertainment option on the internet.