
CNH Social 2021 - See How the Benefit Will Work


A CNH Social has helped thousands of people to adhere to the document that allows them to legally drive vehicles. And a good part of the public that issues it are young people or those who prove that they are not financially able to pay for a private National Driver's License.

There are several reasons for the existence of CNH Social, one of them is to ensure the training of new drivers and consequently heat up the job market in the category of vehicle drivers. That is, many people are getting a job with their CNH social.

The body responsible for issuing the National Driver's License is SEST/SENAT (Social Service for Transport and National Service for Learning Transport). If you want to know how to join, read carefully the tips that we are going to share here in this text prepared by the Social Coluna website.

Details that make up the CNH Social 2021

The document is completely free, the issuer does not pay any fees or tariffs or exams to obtain the Social CNH, all costs that are part of issuing the document are paid by the program.

In Brazil, CNH Social is already present in 14 states, check out:


This is an excellent benefit, as the value of a CNH on the market currently exceeds R$ 2,000 thousand reais in categories A and B.

That's why the social CNH program is so important, many people who are unable to pay for a document can issue it for free. In the coming years, we will certainly see CNH social present throughout the Brazilian territory.

Requirements present in CNH Social

Like any other issue of documents, the CNH Social also has some rules that must be strictly complied with by the candidates to issue them, such as;

1 – Aqueles que não tem como pagar pela emissão da Carteira Nacional de Habilitação deve fazer sua inscrição no programa. E como bem sabemos ele deve ter no mínimo 18 anos de idade completos.


2 – O programa é feito exclusivamente para quem não tem condições financeiras de pagar pela emissão particular da CNH. Por isso mesmo ele precisa comprovar uma renda baixa mensal, com até 2 salários mínimos. Ou que se encontrem desempregados atualmente.

3 –  O candidato deve estar cadastrado no programa CadÚnico, seu cadastro deve estar legalizado e atualizado de acordo com as normas do programa, ou incluído no programa Bolsa Família.

4 –  A CNH social está disponível para pessoas que comprovam residência em áreas rurais. Assim também os jovens e adultos que se encontram no sistema prisional pode fazer sua inscrição.

5 – Em alguns estados onde a CNH Social está presente, é preciso comprovar uma formação escolar. Isto porque existe a prova teórica onde o futuro condutor necessita ser alfabetizado para realiza-la.


How to Apply for the CNH Social 2021 Program?

For the year 2021, candidates who are interested in registering and consequently issuing the document have two issuing options available:

1  – A primeira delas é acessar o site oficial do DETRAN  – Departamento de Trânsito e verificar detalhadamente as condições e regras de emissão da CNH Social.

Se o DETRAN do estado onde você mora já está incluído no programa, basta acessar o site e clicar em ” CNH Social”. Depois disso, é preciso preencher um formulário de inscrição e responder um questionário que faz parte da processo de inscrição. 

After answering the questions correctly, the candidate must complete his application and consequently participate in all the steps that are part of issuing the CNH Social 2021.

2 – Os interessados em fazer a emissão da CNH Social 2021 também podem fazê-la no site oficial do SEST SENAT  em sua cidade. 

At SEST SENAT, candidates are informed of information related to the availability of vacancies for issuance. And also if there are no vacancies at the moment. In addition, SEST SENAT also informs about the risks of fraud and scams in the CNH Social program.

How Exams and Driver Training Work at CNH Social 2021

The entire procedure for issuing CNH Social 2021 is free. Therefore, candidates will have access to the steps that are part of the issuance without having to pay. However, they should be aware of the clinics where the exams are carried out and the CFCs - Driver Training Center linked to the program.

Psychotechnical exams and theoretical and practical classes take a few months. This happens because vacancies need to appear that fit the program.

During the CNH Social issuance process, SEST SENAT brings information showing where and when the exams will be held through a public call.

And for this reason, they call on companies to participate in the social program by providing vehicles and other structures that are part of the issue of CNH Social 2021.

It is worth remembering that companies must have vehicles in legal condition to be part of the CNH Social emission program. And that goes for the clinics and CFCs included in the program as well.