
Applications for gamification in the classroom - Find out which is the best


Knowing which are the best applications for gamification in the classroom can make all the difference not only for teachers, but also for moms and dads who face daily difficulties studying with their children.  

Awakening the interest of children and adolescents to study is not an easy thing. “Impossible” is even used by some parents and educators. For this reason, the technology used in this gamification emerges as something so important.

Applications for gamification in the classroom are not only important, but also essential when it comes to improving the development of children and adolescents in schools and within their own homes. Keep reading until the end and learn more!

Source: Image from (Google)

Understand what gamification is

Before talking about the various gamification applications in the classroom, it is important to reinforce the concept of gamification, as well as its real importance in school development and learning.

Gamification derives from English ("gamification") and is a technique that uses game mechanics (in English "game") applied to various subjects, which originally would have nothing to do with games. The more boring the subjects are, the more useful gamification is.


Learning got worse with remote teaching

Want a good reason to understand the importance of apps for gamification in the classroom? Just look at the national learning scenario in this pandemic period that our country is going through. Learning got worse with remote teaching!

The level of difficulty in reading and interpreting texts has increased for students, after almost 13 months of closed schools and the return to the level it was (which was never the best in Brazil) will be slow. Any alternative to improve this scenario is valid.

How does the gamification technique work?

This technique works on the students' unconscious, who are generally predisposed to participate and commit more to competitions and games. At the same time, classroom gamification applications make subjects interesting and even fun.

Teachers, parents and students can be positively impacted if they use the technology used in these applications. Let's see below all the advantages and benefits of using these apps.


Advantages and benefits of applications for gamification in the classroom

If you've made it this far, you must have understood that applications for gamification in the classroom are much more than just a trend. This is an important step forward in terms of student learning. Check out the advantages and benefits:

  1. Improved performance and increased productivity: the concept sounds businesslike, doesn't it? But know that this is the best way to face this benefit. Students, once encouraged to participate, become more productive (they produce better essays, produce better works, produce better ideas, produce better interaction with other students and professors) and achieve better performance (better grades, but correct answers on tests, better understanding of what is being taught).
  2. Development and stimulation of creativity: the use of these "games" in the form of applications allows students to see the classroom as a fun environment, which is already scientifically proven, favors the development of creativity. More creative students will, in the future, be a positive reflection of better professionals and happier adults.
  3. It enhances social interaction and teamwork: educational institutions that already use applications for gamification in the classroom present an improvement in the interaction between students in the same room, generating a healthier way of achieving collaboration between them. Learning to work as a team is not only important in the classroom, but in any other environment where that student attends or will attend in the future, such as a company environment.
  4. There are also other advantages that can be mentioned, such as: strengthening the importance of learning, strengthening the learning of specific subjects, allowing an instant return of knowledge and improving the relationship between teachers and students and between parents and their children.

And if we take a more critical look at the subject, we will discover that, more than stimulating learning, the use of this technology allows educators to be sure of a job well done and parents to feel confident that their children are really prepared.

Maybe you ask yourself: “prepared for what”? The answer is quite straightforward: “for the job market”, as most companies in Brazil and around the world already use gamification as a way to stimulate and improve the performance of their employees.

Discover 3 applications for gamification in the classroom and choose the best one

O "kahoot” is the first of them. It's a personalized question and answer app, where the teacher creates the content. The second app is “Anki”, which is also editable, but its focus is to encourage the memorization of the content.


The third option is “Edmodo”, which works as an EaD (Distance Ensono) platform. It offers a digital learning environment, works as a social network allowing interaction and the possibility of rewarding outstanding students.

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It is important to remember that the 3 options listed above can be downloaded on Android phones (in the Google Play Store) and iPhone/iOS (in the App Store). And there? Were you able to understand the importance of gamification and choose the best app? See you soon!