
Foods to increase height - See how to get taller


What is your size? Did you know there are food to increase height? That's what you read! Although the height of each individual is directly related to genetic factors, it is possible to change this with the right diet.

Of course, while we are children, food can help, and a lot. However, what we are bringing here are important tips for you to increase your height even after adulthood. Very good to know that, isn't it?

Know that with foods to increase height and a constant combination of practicing some physical activities, correcting your posture and sleeping, you can have a considerable dose of growth. Did you like the subject? Then read the article until the end.

Source: image from (Google)

What is the average height in Brazil and in the world

The importance of foods to increase height is evident when we look at the average height of Brazilians. Do you know what it is? The average height of Brazilian women is 1.60m and that of men is 1.73m. Are you average, below or above?

We Brazilians are shorter than citizens of other countries, such as the Netherlands, which is the leader among the 10 countries with the tallest people in the world. There, women are on average 1.69 m and men 1.83 m.


Tall or short: advantages and disadvantages related to height

The advantages and disadvantages related to height vary from person to person, as they depend a lot on your reality or situations within your routine. However, research around the world brings some curious information on the subject.

Greater productivity, prominence in elections and greater success on social networking sites are information brought as benefits for those who are tall, while the probability of having an accident more easily represents a disadvantage.

What are the best foods to increase height?

It is essential for anyone who wants to grow a little more to find out what foods to increase height are. It is also important to know that food is not always synonymous with nutrition, so be aware of the tips below.

To maintain an excellent nutritional status, you must pay attention to a healthy and varied diet, focused on nutrients such as: folic acid, calcium, vitamin A, zinc, iron and vitamin D. :

  1. Folic acid: legumes, beer yeast, broccoli, arugula and spinach are foods rich in this acid. It assists in cellular reactions, especially in the formation of DNA and RNA. Extremely important in gestation and for our post birth growth. It is essential for blood cells (leukocytes and red blood cells)
  2. Calcium: dark green vegetables, tofu, sesame, milk (and derivatives) are excellent options for foods rich in this mineral, which is directly responsible for bone growth, which directly reflects on your height.
  3. Vitamin A: spinach, pumpkin, carrot, beetroot, papaya, guava, mango, whole milk and derivatives such as butter fulfill their role in relation to this vitamin. It is directly related to the release of GH (the growth hormone). Vitamin A also acts in the differentiation of bone cells and its lack can cause bone deformity or growth inhibition.
  4. Zinc: chestnuts, pumpkin seeds, seafood, oysters and red meat make up an arsenal of this mineral, which is so important in the production of proteins, which directly help in the production of genetic material and cell replication. Zinc also regulates GH and IGF-1 hormones.
  5. Iron: oats, watercress, cashews, meats and spinach. This is the recipe for this mineral so important in the formation of blood cells. It is essential during adolescence as it helps with muscle building.
  6. Vitamin D: whole milk, yogurt, butter, mushrooms, meat, eggs and fish. Here are safe sources of this vitamin that has many important functions, including increasing calcium absorption. It is important to know that sunbathing continues to be the main source of vitamin D, but the previously highlighted foods will be an excellent help in this regard.

Ready! Now that you already know the foods to increase height, how about knowing the ideal physical activities and downloading an app on your cell phone to help you with specific exercises to increase height? Read more about it below.

Don't just depend on food to increase height. practice physical activities

That's right! Want to get taller? So it's not enough just to eat for that, as some activities are essential to help you increase your height. Practicing them regularly will help you with your physical and mental health as well.

They are: cycling, hanging from a bar, jumping, swimming, yoga, stretching, Pilates and RPG are some of the many activities that will boost your stature.

Meet the app that helps you get taller

See what an amazing thing! The application "training for height” also helps you get taller. Download it right now from your Google Play Store or App Store and start doing the proposed exercises right now.


This app is so complete that it features, in addition to a complete exercise program, other plans involving all the points listed above (food, sleep, yoga, etc.). It's amazing! Download right now!

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We believe we have brought you extremely useful information, especially if you want to work on your body and considerably improve your self-confidence and self-esteem. Good luck with the changes and be happy!