
Vestibular 2022 – See tips for exams and free app to study

When arriving at the last school terms, the entrance exam is one of the main concerns that occupy the minds of the vast majority of students. That's because these tests are eliminatory and decisive about one of the most important points in our life. 

That is, it is through it that we can or cannot enter higher education studies at the college we want. Therefore, knowing how to prepare for them is essential to achieve a good result. 

With that in mind, we have separated in this content some information about the entrance exam. As well as, what are the main ones and their purposes. For that, just follow this article until the end.

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But after all, what is the entrance exam? 

provide the entrance exam it is the main means of entering a Brazilian university recognized by the MEC (Ministry of Education). Normally, educational institutions can apply their own entrance exams, following some different rules. 

That is, it may have differences between the number of questions, number of steps, level of difficulty, completion dates, subjects applied, among other details. Therefore, you need to understand what the college tests you want to enter are like. 


Understanding what the requirements of the entrance exam you will provide, it is much easier to put together a more effective study plan. Thus, you can focus on the subjects and subjects most demanded on the day of the test and guarantee your admission to the institution. 

What are the main entrance exams applied in our country?

There are different types of tests for you to provide your entrance exam. This is because the various institutions in Brazil carry out different tests and charge different skills for those who want to start their studies.

The main ones are: “Enem”, to enter public colleges or as a scholarship holder in private ones. “UFRGS”, which takes place every year. “UFAM”, where to enter, you must pass the serial tests. “FUVEST”, to enter the faculties of USP.

we also have the entrance exam from “Unicamp”, which accepts the Enem grade through SISU or else, entry through scientific olympiads. And finally, “UNINASSAU”, which enrolls students through a scheduled test. 

Understand how entrance exams usually work 


Generally, the entrance exam It is a test whose main objective is to test the knowledge acquired mainly in high school. That is, in the last three years of students' study. 

Regarding the format, the most common thing is that it has multiple choice questions like in Enem, for example. Or, in some cases, discursive questions in the second phase, as in the FUVEST exams. 

Usually, along with the questions whether they are discursive or not, a writing test is also applied. The text is in the dissertation-argumentative format and presents a surprise theme on some historical or current subject. 

Tips to make your studies even more productive 

We know that focusing on studies for the entrance exam it is not one of the simplest activities. Therefore, we have listed below some tips that may be essential to ensure your good development during this period. Check out: 

  • Have a quiet and reserved place for your studies;
  • Dedicate yourself to doing as many exercises as possible per discipline;
  • Get in the habit of summarizing the subjects you study;
  • Train your text production with different themes;
  • Draw up a study schedule so as not to leave any important subjects out;
  • Seek information from more than one source of studies;
  • Take regular breaks for a few minutes during your study;
  • Sleep and eat properly and enough;
  • Dedicate some time to keep conversations and a routine in your social life;

The study period for entrance exam It takes a lot of concentration and dedication. After all, there are many different subjects from various subjects that need to be studied and revised until the day of the exam. 


However, creating a healthy study routine is essential to stay in a good mental and health state. That is, maintaining eating habits, resting and also having fun is essential. 

Therefore, when preparing for the entrance exam don't forget to make time for all these things. A good tip is to set up study groups with friends. Thus, in addition to being able to answer questions together, study hours also become “lighter”. 

Download the “ReviApp – Enem e Vestibular” application and have access to many contents 

An application that can help you in the mission of studying for the entrance exam is “ReviApp – Enem e Vestibular”. With it, you have access to various content and exercises to train. If you like tips like this, visit our page Apps

For to go down, first check your internet connection. Second, open your app store which in the Android system is the Play Store and in the IOS system is the App Store. In the search field, type the name of the app and check the results. 

Then, with everything correct, click on “Install”. The process takes a few seconds, but once it's done, the icon will appear in your menu and/or home screen. So, just enter and enjoy all the resources for your studies.