
Facebook Ads – Learn how to use this tool

The tools of facebook ads are developed for those who want to work with ads within social networks such as Facebook and Instagram. This is a paid system that offers business owners several possibilities. 

That is, this ad platform is used worldwide, mainly by those who work with digital marketing. This happens because it allows the choice of several details that involve the entire brand or product promotion strategy. 

Therefore, with the facebook ads, you define your campaigns in relation to factors such as, for example, age of the audience, gender, location, preferences among other details in addition to the amount of money invested. To learn more, follow: 

Image from (Google)

Learn more about Facebook Ads

One of the most interesting things in facebook ads is the ability to customize key details about targeting your ads within social networks. Thus, your content appears in the users' feed, in post format. 

However, the effectiveness of all this content generated in the campaigns will depend on some points that are previously defined during the chosen marketing strategies. In other words, it's a combination of factors. 


In this way, the facebook ads will take into account the amount invested in the platform for the reach of the contents. As well as the chosen public segment and the estimated period for the circulation of the ad. 

Learn what Facebook Ads basics you need to know 

On the platform of facebook ads, there are some terms and concepts you need to understand to be able to develop your ads more assertively. The first one is to understand that it is the business manager who performs the monitoring.

Ad, it always refers to the media you want to appear, while the conversion pixel will show the effectiveness of ads outside Facebook, such as on a website or blog, for example. Paid boosting makes the content reach more people.

At the facebook ads, ROAS is one of the most important parts. This is because it will measure the effectiveness of your ad campaign in relation to your revenue. That is, he is the one who will show how much his investment yielded monetarily. 

Impressions, clicks and conversions: How important are they to you?


For the facebook ads, impressions represent the number of times your ad content appeared in users' timelines. In relation to clicks, it is quite simple, it is the amount of people who were interested and clicked on the ad. 

The conversion is a bit more complex, but not too difficult to understand. In this way, just keep in mind that the conversion corresponds to the complete actions performed by the user that are part of your marketing strategy. 

An example to make it clearer is that, if you want to increase the number of sales of a certain product and create a campaign for that and, consequently, they increase, the conversion worked. 

Learn how to create your ads on the platform with this step-by-step guide 

To better understand Facebook Ads mechanisms and how to use them, we separate below a small step-by-step on how to set up your ads on the platform. Follow: 

  • First, access the Business Manager and Login with the desired Facebook account;
  • Second, define your ad objective, such as increasing traffic;
  • Thirdly, confirm the option at the end of the page;
  • Then, choose how your investment will be: “A/B Test” or “Budget Optimization”; 
  • As a fifth step, enter the target audience details such as age and gender, for example;
  •  In the sixth step, the placement options for the ad are displayed. There is the possibility to choose automatic or manual;
  • Then enter the amount of budget available for serving the ad;
  • Finally, enter the art and content. Remembering that the format can be very varied, for example, just an image, a carousel, a video or text. Then just confirm;

At the facebook ads, you will notice that all these steps follow gradually on the platform. Therefore, it is very simple to follow, preventing you from getting lost in the actions of each part. 


For those who are new to creating ads and don't know where to start, it's a good idea to visit the Facebook Ad Library. There, you will find several examples to inspire you. 

So, just access the tool through the website and, in the search field, enter the name of a brand or company that you want to see examples of. With this, it is possible to compare strategies as well as layouts for the same audience that are still on the network. 

Download Facebook Ads Manager and manage your ads from your smartphone 

the app facebook ads Manager is a real “hands on wheel” for those who don't have a lot of time and need to manage everything quickly from their cell phone. If you like to follow platform tips, visit our page Apps

For to go down, first check your Wi-Fi network signal, then go to your application store which, in the Android system is the Google Play Store and in the IOS system of the iPhone is the App Store. In the search box, type “Facebook Ads Manager” without the quotes. 

Check what will show up in the results, opt for the one powered by “Meta Platforms, Inc.” Then, click on the green “Install” option. You'll know the process is finished when the app's icon appears on your home screen or in the apps menu.