
Public speaking – Apps that help you be a good speaker

Many people these days are terrified of speak in public, whether in a work meeting, in front of unknown people or even in a church that I attend. You are one of those people?

It is believed that people who know how to communicate their ideas well are born with this ability and that learning to speak in public and becoming a good speaker is practically impossible for some people. But, is it really like that?

Your problems with fear of public speaking are over for good! This skill can be trained and developed if you are willing to study a little. And, with the help of some applications downloaded on your cell phone, you will become a great speaker!

Source: Image from (Google)

“Glossophobia”: do you know what it is?

In short, this word comes from the Greek “glosso = tongue” + “phobia = fear”. Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking. And if you feel this fear, know that it is more common than you can imagine.

It is estimated, according to surveys carried out in the UK, that over 40% of people are afraid to stand in front of a group of people and speak. To give you an idea, this fear is greater than death (19%) and financial problems (22%).


It is important to know that this type of fear must be fought, as it greatly hinders a person's performance in various spheres of their life, including professional and social life. We will help you understand and improve this aspect!

Multiple intelligences: know and develop your oratory

Learning to speak in public is much easier when you understand a concept presented in the 80's by an American psychologist named Howard Gardner, called "multiple intelligences". It changed the way of teaching and learning.

Basically he proved that we are all smart in different ways and that there are 8 types of intelligence and each of us has two well developed and the others must be trained with more effort. “Linguistic” intelligence is one of them.

This explains why some people have it easier than others for certain things. So it's perfectly possible for you to become a good speaker! It could just be that you have to train and put in a little more effort than other people.

Some advantages for those who want to learn how to be a good public speaker


One thing needs to be clear from the start when it comes to public speaking: there are no downsides or downsides to learning to develop this skill. Simply “none”. That is, you only have to gain from it (and a lot)!

When you lose that fear and learn to speak with ease in front of few or many people (and you will learn, trust me), some progress will be noticed. See below how much improving your communication in this regard can help you.

Give a presentation at work, school or college, speak at a job interview, sell a product, service or idea, convince others at a condo meeting, meet new people at an event or trip, and much more.

Discover great jobs for those who know how to speak in public

If you've come this far, you've certainly understood that public speaking is very important in many ways. But, we're sure you can do more than just talk to lots of people. You can earn more money from it.

After all, it is with your speech that you can convince people to your way of thinking. And, within any company or in a personal or professional relationship, that makes all the difference.


A productive professional with good performance is one who knows how to take advantage of his/her strengths. After training your oratory, you can try to develop in some of the jobs below:

  1. Teacher, coach, speaker, instructor or mentor: that means sharing your knowledge with others. And what better way than speech to do this?
  2. Actor, musician or writer: expressing yourself through speech in front of several people can bring extraordinary popularity and earnings.
  3. Entertainers, masters of ceremonies, priests, pastors, religious leaders: the power of conviction and wisdom are expressed through speaking in front of crowds.
  4. Lawyers and salespeople: whether facing a few or many, these 2 types of professionals have excellent opportunities to generate income for themselves using public speaking and knowledge.

The best apps to help you speak in public

In our opinion, the best app is “To speak well”. With him you will learn very important tips to lose the fear of public speaking and become a great speaker. It can be downloaded for free on iOS and Android phones.

Other excellent options for you to search and download are: “Falar Melhor”, “Public Speaking Hypnosis”, “Public Speaking Course (Neuro Oratory)”, “How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking”, “Learn easy to speak” and “ Speech and Leadership – Success”.

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They all have useful resources like videos and different techniques that will turn you into an excellent speaker. Start your studies right now and learn to speak in public quickly. We wish you luck and much success! See you soon.